Customer Testimonials

I wanted to post a "testimonial" about my recent experience with RJW Computer Repair. I had a desktop computer that was just frustratingly slow with crap that had accumulated over a period of time - software that I didn't need, etc. Rob had me back up and running in no time. And he charged me a very reasonable amount. I was so quite about the price, but he did a great job at a great price. Thank you!
Computer Repair Warrington
Mrs Ditchfield
I have the utmost respect and praise for your excellent customer service & patience, as well as your excellent knowledge.  I am sending your name & phone number to all my family & friends, that require a computer technician, with the highest recommendation I can give.
Computer Repair Warrington
J & Viv Woods
I would state unequivocally that this is the most reasonable and genuine mobile computer repair service in the area. Rob does the job very efficiently and no unnecessary charges as well. Very courteous and in last two years dealing with him no complaints with the various job they have done . Highly recommended for honest quality job and sound advice.
Computer Repair Warrington
Mr P Williams
Just wanted to thank you for very quickly fixing my Acer laptop with updated drivers last week. It was worth every penny of your very fair charge
Computer Repair Warrington
Mrs H Davenport